Tuesday, September 14, 2004

abre los ojos!

a new look, a new life, reborn.

i have decided that there are those who complain about life and there are those who change it. i am not going to settle for being only a complainer. i know for a fact that i am good at what i do. i have been a student long enough to know what a good teacher looks like. and while i have much to improve on, i can tell you that i am good. not in comparison to others, not according to standardized tests, or subject matter scores, but according to the standard of truth. i know that i can do this. and if all they have to complain about it the assignment books and recess time...then let them wallow in their "misery."

i have decided to open my eyes and see the good. not to ignore the bad but to have a focus that is pure.

i have decided to change this school not by fighting, because that will only cause more damage. rather, through love. i shall heap hot coals upon their heads through service, dedication, and compassion. not for revenge but for the strengthening of the body. for the edification of all. to the glory of God. i will do what is right, worthy and noble. i will teach with all of my heart. i will love with all my strength. i will serve with all of my might. with all of my soul i will offer up praise. that the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart will be pleasing only to God.

in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. amen and amen.