Wednesday, September 15, 2004

a true worshiper

i asked my pastor to speak at the first chapel that i was responsible for. he willingly agreed. i figured that he was a pretty safe bet considering that he had been a former principal of the school. then just days before the appointed day he tells me that he will be unable to speak...

i was immediately thrown into a complete panic. who would willingly come on such short notice, just five days to prepare? who else would willingly speak before so many small and impressionable minds? i needed somebody either completely seeped in christian school culture or someone who was entirely crazy and unsuspecting of what they were getting themselves into. i found the most perfect and unsuspecting victim. she agreed.

serita did a fantastic job! she is the worship leader at the NIU IV. a true worshiper. and she did such a great job of explaining to 4-6th graders just what being a true worshiper is all about and why God is worthy of our worship. it was beautiful. i was challenged. the kids talked about it all day. all of the staff was entirely impressed with her. i heard the following comments: "i've never seen the students pay such good attention" "what a great topic" "how appropriate" "she handled their questions so well" she made something that most adults don't fully understand easily accessible to students"


thanks for being faithful. you have inspired us all. we see Jesus when we look at you.